Steam Chat is a free voice and text chat system built into the Steam client. Like the Discord chat app, Steam Chat combines some of the voice aspects of services like Skype and TeamSpeak with the text chat functionality of instant messaging apps. Here’s a look at how Steam Chat is used and how to get started with this communication tool.

What Is Steam Chat Used For?

Steam Chat modernizes Steam’s communication tools and features. While Steam is primarily a marketplace for buying video games and organizing your video game library, it also allows you to connect and play games with friends.

Steam Chat is a part of Steam, so there’s no separate app. Steam and Steam Chat are available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Steam Chat is a free alternative to paid voice chat services like TeamSpeak, Mumble, and Ventrillo. These services provide voice over internet protocol (VoIP) communication for gamers, so they can coordinate when they’re in a game and keep in touch when they aren’t playing.

Steam Chat is also an alternative to Discord, which is a free voice and text chat service with many of Steam Chat’s features.

Steam Chat has two main components: text chat between individuals and groups and voice chat between individuals and groups. Users can message each other individually and create Group Chats, which act like Discord servers.

Group Chats can have multiple text channels to organize conversations about different topics. Group chats can also have multiple voice channels so that group members can focus on different games or other subjects.

How to Get Started With Steam Chat

To use Steam Chat, download the Steam client or log in through the Steam Community website to use the web-based client. You’ll also need a free Steam account and some friends to chat with. Here’s how to get started with Steam Chat:

Steam Chat keeps an archive of your text chat only for two weeks. Each message is automatically deleted two weeks after you send it, so don’t count on Steam to store your chat information.

Access Chat After Installing Steam

It’s easy to start chatting after installing the Steam version for your operating system.

  • Navigate to the Steam Community website.
  • Select Sign In if you have an account, or select Join Steam to create a free account.
  • If you have an account, skip to step 5.
  • If you’re creating an account, fill in your information, and select Continue.
  • You’ll be asked to verify your email.
  • Add your Steam account name and verify your password. Select Done to continue.
  • Select Install Steam.
  • Steam detects your operating system. Select Install Steam.
  • Double-click the DMG file to install Steam.
  • Launch Steam and log in to your account.
  • Select Friends & Chat from the lower-left corner to access Steam Chat.
  • The Steam Chat window opens, and you’re ready to chat.
  • If you’re new to Steam, you will have to find and add your friends on the service before you can use Steam Chat.
  • Select the plus sign (+) next to Friends to add friends and start a new chat.
  • To start a voice chat, open a regular chat, select the drop-down arrow from the upper-right corner of the chat window, and then choose Start Voice Chat. When your friend answers, the voice chat begins. Close the chat window to end the voice chat.
  • Select the plus sign (+) next to Group Chats to start a new group chat.
  • Drag and drop other friends into an open chat window to create a group.

Use the Steam Web Client

Launching Steam Chat is even easier from Steam on the web.

Navigate to the Steam Community website.

Select Sign In if you have an account, or select Join Steam to create a free account.

If you have an account, skip to step 5.

If you’re creating an account, fill in your information, and select Continue.

You’ll be asked to verify your email.

Add your Steam account name and verify your password. Select Done to continue.

Select Install Steam.

Steam detects your operating system. Select Install Steam.

Double-click the DMG file to install Steam.

Launch Steam and log in to your account.

Select Friends & Chat from the lower-left corner to access Steam Chat.

The Steam Chat window opens, and you’re ready to chat.

If you’re new to Steam, you will have to find and add your friends on the service before you can use Steam Chat.

Select the plus sign (+) next to Friends to add friends and start a new chat.

To start a voice chat, open a regular chat, select the drop-down arrow from the upper-right corner of the chat window, and then choose Start Voice Chat. When your friend answers, the voice chat begins. Close the chat window to end the voice chat.

Select the plus sign (+) next to Group Chats to start a new group chat.

Drag and drop other friends into an open chat window to create a group.

  • Navigate to the Steam Community website.
  • Select Login if you have an account, or choose Join Steam if you don’t.
  • Follow the instructions above to create a Steam account.
  • Enter your username and password, and then select Sign in.
  • Select Chat from the top menu bar.
  • The Steam Chat web client opens.
  • Select the plus sign (+) to add friends and start a new chat.
  • Select the plus sign (+) next to Group Chats to start a new group chat.
  • To start a voice chat, open a regular chat, select the drop-down arrow from the upper-right corner of the chat window, and then choose Start Voice Chat. When your friend answers, the voice chat begins. Close the chat window to end the voice chat.

How Steam Group Chats Work

Group Chats on Steam look like individual chats. However, you can have multiple people in one, and they persist even when everyone is offline. When you sign back in, you’re still in the group, so these groups are a good way for gaming clans, guilds, fireteams, and communities to stay in contact.

Select Login if you have an account, or choose Join Steam if you don’t.

Follow the instructions above to create a Steam account.

Enter your username and password, and then select Sign in.

Select Chat from the top menu bar.

The Steam Chat web client opens.

Select the plus sign (+) to add friends and start a new chat.

Create a group chat at any time by inviting additional friends into an individual chat. Alternatively, select the plus sign in the Group Chats section of your friends’ list. Name your group chat and add an avatar via Settings (gear icon).

Group Chats have the same basic functionality as regular chats but with more structure. Each group can have multiple text channels set up, so you can have specific places for both structured discussions and free-for-all general chat.

  • How do you turn off Steam Chat notifications?
  • Go to Settings in either the Steam Chat browser or app, then select Notifications. Uncheck all boxes to silence all notifications, or selectively uncheck the notifications you don’t want to receive.
  • How can you view your Steam Chat history?
  • In the official Steam Chat app, you can scroll back to load chat history for up to two weeks. After two weeks, there’s no way to view chat history.

Go to Settings in either the Steam Chat browser or app, then select Notifications. Uncheck all boxes to silence all notifications, or selectively uncheck the notifications you don’t want to receive.

In the official Steam Chat app, you can scroll back to load chat history for up to two weeks. After two weeks, there’s no way to view chat history.

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