Most of us have really busy work weeks that leave little time for thinking about what’s going on this weekend or where you might like to go on your next vacation. When you do have some free time, you want to make the most of it, not spend it trying to decide where to go or what to do. I’m a planner and organizer by nature so short notice or last minute plans send me into a tail spin. Since I started using Google Schemer, I always have plans ready and waiting for me! Here’s how it works….


Navigate to the Google Schemer site and log in using your Gmail credentials. Next, join Schemer by either of the two red “Join” boxes on the login page. Enter your home zip code and click “Create My schemer Account”.

The next step in your setup process is to select your favorite interests from the list. Schemer will generate suggestions for you based on those interests so make sure you have a good variety of topics selected.

You can also add more categories from the left sidebar to have a wider assortment of activities to choose from. If you don’t want to add the category to your favorites, you can still view and add the schemes in it by clicking on the topic. Schemes aren’t just for vacations and eating out. You can also learn a new language, learn to write code, or clean up your PC.

Within each category, you have additional choices like which location you want to view that topics schemes for and in the More Like This section you can narrow your topics even further.

Find Stuff To Do

Once you select all the topics that interest you, you’ll see a lot of really cool suggestions for places to eat and activities to do. When you come across something you’d like to try, click on the title of the scheme to open the details page. You’ll be able to see how many people want to do that scheme, how many have already done it, and any comments left by people who have been there. There’s also a Google map of the location and great sharing feature so you can ask people on other social media sites if they have done that or been there.

If you want to add it to your schemes, click “I Want To Do It“. It will now be added to your schemes list and the box will be shaded blue so you’ll know you already added that to your schemes. If you’ve already done something in the list, click the check box.

Want A Night In?

Schemer isn’t just for going out on the town, it can also give you suggestions of things to do at home based on your interests. Do a DIY project, build a campsite in your backyard, or learn a new skill. With Schemer, there’s always something to do!

Your Schemes

Once you have selected schemes, you can view them in My Schemes so the next time you are looking for something to do, simply pull up your list and get on with the fun! If there’s something you know about going on in your town, add it to the schemes list and let others know about it too!


Life is always more fun with accomplices! The social part of Schemer is based off of Google+ Circles so have your Circle friends sign up for a Schemer account to make your experience more fun.  If you don’t have any friends in the accomplices tab yet, don’t worry you have options! In the Home tab on the bottom right sidebar you’ll see a section of Google+ users who are also Schemer members that you can add to your accomplices, or use the option to invite friends from Google+ to join you in schemer.

Clicking on an accomplice tab will open a window showing if you have any schemes in common and anything you’ve done together. You can see their schemes and either rally everyone together to do that scheme, add it to your schemes, or mark it as done if you’ve already done it.

Another great place to find schemes is in the Schemer Gallery. Those are featured partners of Schemer and generally are bigger brands from retail or television that offer some fantastic scheme ideas.

Privacy Settings


To adjust your settings, click on your profile picture in the top right of the screen and select Settings. Here in the settings tab you can add or edit locations you plan to visit, would like to visit, or live close to so you always have a variety of options. It’s not limited just to where you live.

Email Notifications

Email notifications are sent based on your setting choices so take some time to look through the default settings to see if you want to change anything. You can always come back here later to adjust it again if needed.


Since this is a Google product, your Google+ profile will be your Schemer profile as well. To manage those settings, click on your profile image in the top right of the screen and select Profile. You’ll see a dashboard of who you inspired with your schemes, who inspires you, and your top schemes. You’ll also be able to set your privacy here by clicking the Edit button under your profile picture. This setting determines who sees your profile so if you don’t want to be publicly seen, go into your settings and adjust them accordingly.

To me, Schemer is like Pinterest but more specific to your location and personal interests tossed with a little social media interaction. I have found it to be most helpful in planning a weekend getaway or coming up with ideas to do with my kids while they are on summer break. It’s my new online bucket list! Are you using Schemer? Tell us about it!

Jessica is a Support Technician for Cytanium Hosting who loves to teach people how to use modern technology to be more productive and organized. Simple tips, tricks and tools can make anyone computer savvy! You can follow her on Twitter @learningrl or visit her blog at

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