Gulag in Call of Duty Warzone is quickly becoming one of the hotspots in the game. Players have been aware of the Gulag ever since Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 came out and with the Halloween event in Warzone, it has become even more special. If you want to know where the Gulag area in Warzone is, read until the rest of the guide.

Where To Find The Gulag Area In Call of Duty Warzone

Gulag in Call of Duty Warzone isn’t just the place where you get another chance to get back into the game, but it is also an actual place in the Verdansk map where players can go for themselves. Open up your map in Call of Duty Warzone and go to the Prison area of the map.

The entrance of the Gulag area is located on the Port side outside the Prison walls. You will need to find a tunnel to enter the Gulag and it will lead you down to a shower area.

Gulag was used by the USSR as labor camps and in the game, it is a place where players can go 1v1 against other players for a chance to get back into the game.

Once you get to the Gulag you can open the crates for a chance to get the Cleaver melee weapon in the game. All you have to do is collect the contract and leave the Gulag to complete the contract mission given to you.

Upon completion, you will be granted the Cleaver as a reward. The Cleaver is a great melee weapon that will instantly kill enemies from a short-range.

While finding Gulag can be a bit difficult for new players, all you have to do is get to the Prison and then look for a tunnel that leads down below and it will take you to the Gulag.

This is all there is to know about where the Gulag area is in Call of Duty Warzone. While you’re here make sure to check out where to find the Pumpkin Head as well right here on Gamer Tweak.