Call Of Duty MW 2 was one of the most successful FPS games in 2009 globally. The players loved it so much, that Activision decided to continue the game storyline in 2022. The continuation of the title is also known as COD Modern Warfare 2 (2022). Players will get to see various new characters in the 2022 version. Speaking of characters, these playable characters in the game are inspired by various people in real life. The developers tend to give the Characters a face to make the game feel more realistic and lively. However, they don’t disclose the name of the person the character is inspired by. Similarly, if you’re wondering who is on the cover of Modern Warfare 2 (2009), then we’ve got you covered.

Cover of COD Modern Warfare 2 Unmasked (2009)

Just like you, many players are impatient to know who is on the cover of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. And to answer your question, it’s Mark Rubin. For those who are unaware he was the Executive Producer of Infinity Ward until 2015. The update wasn’t confirmed until Mark himself twitted about it saying, “Little known fact, that is me on the cover”.

If you don’t know what’s the name of the playable character on the cover, then it’s James Ramírez. He’s considered to be one of the best and most powerful characters in the game. He is also known for his meme “Ramírez do (X)”. With that said, now you know who’s behind the mask on the cover of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (2009).

Also Read | All Call Of Duty Games In Release Order

Apart from this many players are wondering who is on the cover of the new Modern Warfare 2 (2022). Unfortunately, as of now, there are no updates on that, but we’ll keep you posted once the reveal arrives. If you’re also wondering if the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (2022) is a Remake? then here’s everything you need to know.