The World Health Organization (WHO) has partnered with several big video game publishers to promote the #PlayApartTogether initiative. It encourages people to play video games with each other while engaged in sheltering in place and social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Why This Matters

When the organization that has historically cautioned people about ‘gaming addiction’ comes out in favor of playing games together while quarantined, you know the world has changed.

What’s that, now? This is the same global organization that pushed the notion of “gaming addiction” in the recent past, so you know things are changing when they partner with gaming companies like Activision Blizzard (Overwatch, Destiny 2), Riot Games (League of Legends), and Pocket Gems (War Dragons), along with streaming platforms like Twitch and YouTube Gaming.

The big picture: The idea here is to encourage people to follow WHO guidelines to help slow the spread of COVID-19 by social distancing, washing your hands, and good respiratory etiquette.

What they said: “Physical distancing shouldn’t mean social isolation! Let’s stay physically apart – and take other public health steps such as hand hygiene – to help flatten the curve and #PlayApartTogether to help power through this crisis,” said Riot Games’ CEO Nicolo Laurent in a statement. “For Rioters, playing games is more than just a game; it’s a meaningful life pursuit. And now, for the billions of players around the world, playing games could help the pursuit of saving lives. Let’s beat this COVID-19 boss battle together.”

The bottom line: People are spending more time indoors to help flatten the curve; video games can be a solid part of keeping yourself and your kids engaged and entertained during the crisis. Now even the global health agencies agree.

Via: Digitial Trends

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