In the Technical Preview for Windows 10, Microsoft didn’t include the Notification Center, but if you’re willing to follow some instructions, you can enable the feature now.

The full disclosure is that Notification Center on build 9841 doesn’t do much, but if you’re eager to see the functionality, you can follow the steps below.

Before going any further, be completely aware that testing the new notifications this way isn’t supported by Microsoft. You’ll be doing a few steps that could damage your current installation. You’ve been warned. Also this method doesn’t permanently enable the feature, nor it adds the Notification Center icon in the system tray.

The instructions are pretty straightforward, download this .zip file with all the components you need. Copy the x86 or x64 folder, depending on your OS installation, and rename the folder to “stuff”. Then simply run the notification.exe file and you should now see the Notification Center.

Unfortunately that’s all you will see an empty white box, as the feature isn’t yet fully implemented. Though, there are users reports claiming that it’s working.

For more details, once you download the .zip archive, take a look at the Readme text file inside.

Source @Adrian via Neowin