Although, Microsoft has been sharing with millions of users the development process of Windows 10, one thing the company hasn’t shared with anyone is the pricing and official release date. This weekend, it appears that the online retailer, Newegg, may have revealed the final pricing for Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Professional, plus the possible release date for the desktop version of the operating system.

A number of users have reported that Newegg have listed for pre-order Windows 10 Home (OEM) for $109.99 and $149.99 for Windows 10 Professional (OEM), and in both cases the shipping date is set for August 31th.

Officially we only know from Microsoft that Windows 10 for desktop will release later this summer. No too long ago, AMD CEO Lisa Su, revealed that the software maker will be releasing Windows 10 RTM in July, and recently Russian leaker, WZor, also confirmed that the company is expected to make Windows 10 RTM by the end of July with a possible release date in August. And comparing this information with the Newegg pre-order listing, it’s not hard to think that major retailers such as Newegg and other may already have this kind of information.

Source Newegg link 1, link 2, via MohammadMSFT