Here is another reason to upgrade to Windows 8: The latest operating system from Microsoft is 85% more secure out of the box that its predecessors. That’s what BitDefender security firm and antivirus company said after they conducted various tests, without making any extra configuration to the OS.

The antivirus maker took 385 of the most common malware in the past six months and tried them on the new operating system and only less than 16% of the malicious code were able to infect Win 8.

As you can read here, Windows 8 isn’t bullet proof, but it is pretty darn good and better than not having any protection at all. As many had pointed out BitDefender tried to turn things around making Windows look unsecured. However, stopping 85% of threats only with “basic” protection (Windows Defender) turned-on, in my opinion that’s pretty impressive, besides being realistic no antivirus solution is 100% effective.

Also the same tests were run with a plain installation of Windows 7 and 262 malware were able to infect the system, which is about 68%. This seems to make Windows 7 look bad, but take in consideration that the previous version of the OS didn’t come bundled with any kind of anti-malware software.

On the other hand, if you disable Defender the system will become more vulnerable to infection, making it almost unsecured like Windows 7, but not quite. During the tests about 234 pieces of malicious code were able to take over Windows 8, which is about 60.8%.

Wrapping things up, while integrating Defender in Windows 8 was an excellent move from the software giant, there still a lot of work to do as many pieces of malware successfully executed malicious code inside of Windows. But still a great work from Microsoft.

Now the question is: Should you opt for a third-party antivirus solution? The answer is up to you. You should definitely see a lower number of malicious code infecting any computer by companies that dedicate themselves to build security software.