Microsoft’s most recognized operating system in the world (Windows XP) turns 10 years old today — October 25, 2011.

Ten years have passed since Windows XP was first released for general availability, and how much technology has changed since a decade ago. Looking back 10 years in past, I don’t recall streaming all of my music, watching my TV shows right from a laptop wirelessly connected to the internet, or using a flash drive in the camera to take pictures and record HD videos with a device that fits in the palm of my hand; definitely many big changes have happened.

The software giant started developing Windows XP (experience) back in 1999 under the code name Windows Neptune and it took less than 2 years to bring it to the retail stores. 

Windows XP was built from the grown up to replace Windows 2000 and Windows ME. This operating system also marked the end of MS-DOS era — for many of you that may not know, previous versions of Windows such as, Windows 98, Windows 95 and Windows 3, used to run on top of MS-DOS, but starting Windows XP the operating system run independently of Microsoft Disk Operating System –. 

Here is a short video where Bill Gates, Microsoft Chairman and CEO — at that time– kills MS-DOS.


In Windows XP, Microsoft introduced a new user interface, visual effects, a new theme engine. XP also was shipped bliss default wallpaper from Napa Valley landscape in California. And of course many new features were included like the ability for each user to have their own account.

Windows XP had 3 major updates, service pack 1, 2, 3, that offered tons of fixes and the addition of a number of new features such as, WPA Wi-Fi support, ad blocker for IE6, Firewall, and bluetooth support. The software maker also added the Windows System Center, which was built to alert users of security concerns like, not having an antivirus, configure Windows Updates, disabled Firewall, etc.

This 10 years old operating system dominated the computer market until recently, when Windows 7 finally surpassed its predecessor worldwide usage. But it still a long way to go, Windows 7 is installed on 40.21% of all global desktop computers in the world and Windows XP is in second place with 38.64%, according to StatCounter. Now after many time of postponing, Microsoft is scheduled to end the support of Windows XP and Office 2003 by April, 2014. In this 10 year anniversary Microsoft is also urging users to move to Windows 7.

Microsoft now is in a new quest to reinvent Windows “without compromises” with Windows 8. This is a new operating system that features hundreds of new improvements, a new Start screen that replaces the classic Start menu, designed that is almost a carbon copy of the company’s Windows Phone OS. The software maker is also going to allow application developers to write Metro style apps in almost any language, including HTML, that will interact with the Start screen and the OS. This new redesign also opens the door for Microsoft to finally compete head-to-head with Apple and Google in the tablets market, something that the company could not yet achieve — If you want to learn more about the up coming operating system, check out our Windows 8 spot.

Windows XP 10 years anniversary infographic

Infographic Windows Experience Blog 

Happy Birthday Windows XP!