According to Weblogtools collection WordPress development team laid down their plans for WordPress 3.1.

The finalized goals for WordPress 3.1 are: To have a very short dev cycle, a decent amount of testing time, and a release in mid-December. Low on new features, heavy on UI and code cleanup, and avoidance of schema changes. Save the big ideas for 3.2 where we’ll have the liberty to implement those ideas in PHP5. No schema changes and no big new APIs.

Besides bug fixes and code cleanup, users can look forward to a new inspired admin bar and theme browser; as well as post templates and styles, and a separate network dashboard.

The WordPress developer team wants to have released WordPress 3.1 by mid-December, preferably before December 15.

The schedule plan is as follows:

  • September 9 – Have the plan confirmed.
  • October 15 – No new features will be added after this point. Testing begins on a stable product.
  • November 1 –Bug fixing starts to get a stable beta.
  • November 15 – Beta period begins; after this point, only bug fixes.
  • December 1 – Translator rejoice.
  • December 15 – Release day for WordPress 3.1.

It sounds like a great plan, I just hope that everybody working in this project can pull it off in the tight schedule. Even though, there is a lot coming in WordPress 3.1, I am already getting excited and wondering what is to come in WordPress 3.2.

Knowing what is coming on WordPress 3.1, what would you like to see in 3.2? Don’t forget to leave your comments in the section below. Thanks!

Source WordPress development updates via Weblogtools collection


Oct. 17, 2010 Update – WordPress 3.1 Feature Status Update

WP 3.1 is getting closer and closer. Here is a quick update of some of the new features that provably will be included in the final release:

Weblogtools collections – WordPress Feature Status Update

Dec. 21, 2010 Update

Apparently there still some bugs to be fixed before the release of WordPress 3.1. If you want to have a closer look at the schedule visit this page, but if you cannot wait there is WordPress 3.1 beta 2 that you can download at

Jan. 24, 2011 Update

WordPress 3.1 Release Candidate 3 has been released.

There are some significant changes from WordPress 3.1 RC2, one of the feature that has been removed was the AJAX list table, which had too many bug and usability issues to be considered a stable part for WordPress 3.1, but it may come in the future. And because of the many changes WordPress is needing a lot of testers.

Learn more about RC3 release and changes at , also you can download WordPress 3.1 RC3 following this link

If you are testing WordPress 3.1 and if you are having some problems discuss them with us, but you should also post it in Alpha/Beta area in the support forums, Report it to the wp-testers mailing list, Join the development IRC channel and tell us live at #wordpress-dev, and File a bug ticket on the WordPress Trac.

Feb. 23, 2011 Update

WordPress 3.1 has been released, learn more…